2010-07-18 | 23:32:36
And one and two- and one two three four
And one and two- and one two three four

i'm freaking tired ;o so bye bye xD Haha! I blogged today because i didn't want to break my record ;) and my mum wont let me have the computer because it's too late xD Haha, so it's on the cellphone :) Yey, i'll be superHappy tomorrow :d
2010-07-17 | 12:40:41
I'm in love... With a fairytale, even though it hurts, cuz' I don't care if I loose my mind, I'm already cursed
I'm in love... With a fairytale, even though it hurts, cuz' I don't care if I loose my mind, I'm already cursed

I've done this picture in Photoshop, I like it, it looks mysterious and magical - sweetMAGIC :-) I'll see if I can upload this picture onto stardoll into my presentation, :D ElizaII is my name on stardoll for everyone who would like to know xD, hahah :-) And I don't see anything wrong with this picture, it's not insulting in any way xD, hahaha.
Hellooo :D I've blogged three days in a row, it must be a new record for 2010! Hahaha, I really need to go out, but my foot is still injured - I think. There's a little pain in the backside of the ankle, but I can walk, lucky :D
Or not, it's called luck inside of the bad luck, and I'm always having luck in bad luck :( Why can't it just be good luck?
I'm very sceptical to religion, it's not wrong to believe in it, but as I said, I'm very sceptical to it, it's because there's no proof, so... Well, I'd like to see God with my own eyes before I start to believe xD. But I still believe at God, don't know why though, :)
Someone told me this, there's a balance in everything, if you have bad luck, you'll get good luck. Vice Versa.
It's true.
2010-07-16 | 15:01:19

Haha, bilden är gjord i enbart Photoshop xD, jag gillar den, som nästan alla andra bilder jag skapar xD Hahaha C(: jag gillar vintage effekten :D
hej hej :p xD Hahah, jag Bloggar i telefonen igen för att min bror har tagit över datorn xD det är tur att comviq erbjuder en sån bra kampanj :) (max 1 kr per dag om man går in i internet) idag är det ganska varmt fast också blåsigt, jag gillar det, en bra kombination. Och, Shit, jag måste börja sova tidigare, vanligtvis brukar jag sova 11 och vakna 9 xD men nu sover jag 1 och vaknar 11! Och det är inte bra för jag har svårt att vända tillbaka dygnet... Detta är inte ett så långt inlägg, men det är bra att jag uppdatera, Hahaha :D Ah, nu har jag en jättelust att färga håret, Hahah, det kanske beror på min kusin men jag kommer inte få för att min mamma ej tillåter, det skadar håret :( men jag bryr mig inte xD eller jo, men vill ha, Hahahah, jag tycker att jag ha skrivit skitmycket men det kanske beror på att jag har skrivit mycket koder i det har inlägget :p och det är väldigt jobbigt varje gång för att få upp symbollistan så jag använder utan t9 när jag skriver koderna xD Hahaha, wow, det e varmt ute :D har på mig shorts och jag är rädd för myggor. Men kan inget göra då det är för varmt xD bye bye, ska Blogga mer :)
2010-07-15 | 23:15:43
Flowers. Lots of flowers
Flowers. Lots of flowers

Hi! I just took a shower and i'm lying on the bed now xD Hahaha, I have nothing to do so i'm blogging ^^ the picture i attached is my no book xD Hahaha, i'm tired now so see you later :) tomorrow. I promise :d
2010-07-13 | 19:45:26
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars

It's been such a long time since I illustrated bloggers, because it takes such a long time, hehe, but I had such a rush yesterday so I started to illustrate MissBui :-)
Hahaha, it's funny to read her blog, I always laugh when I'm reading her blog, xD
Anyway, she's fighting for her dream to become a hairdresser and I really hope she'll make it :)
Me, myself, have no dream at all xD, haha, I just want to chill out the whole life, but still, I expect myself to be rich, weird, huh xD?
I'm going to illustrate a Korean musician, it's a boy, hahah xD, I want to have a challenge since I'm not good at drawing boys, they always look like girls in the end... :(
I was supposed to swim today but I couldn't, sigh, it's a pity. And it's raining and thundering(?) here! Haha, I think it's cozy when you're going to sleep, it's dark and the rain is shattering against your window, it makes me sleepy, hahahah xD
2010-07-12 | 15:04:07
I don't know what to say, I'm bored, as usual :-)
I don't know what to say, I'm bored, as usual :-)

I've drawed this because I was bored, hahah, the black background took a long time for me... But it's good, I need to do something
I have no desire to blog, at all, but I just wanted to put up the picture, haha, to fill my blog, I've had this blog for more than a year I 've only written 162 entries -.- I'm doing not anything special, so that might be the reason I'm not blogging...
I've been shopping since there's a summer sale, but it's really hot in the city O.o You're burning, and it's hard to breath in the tram >:'O
I hate my brother. Bye bye :p